President's Column | December 17, 2018


What a wonderful success. The Dowling Street Christmas Party showed community spirit at its best. A sincere thank you to everyone who participated and came along. Working together we can do amazing things and a great message to remember as we head into 2019.

And some good news has been circulating about our train timetables.

Michael Johnsen MP, Member for Upper Hunter has announced that starting in April next year, departure and arrival times for several weekday journeys will be moved to give customers greater flexibility when planning day trips to and from the Lower Hunter, which should also assist with encouraging people to visit our Shire.

For locals wanting to visit either Maitland or Newcastle for either shopping or services, the existing morning trains will remain. However, there will be a reinstatement of the mid-afternoon service so that people can return to (say) Paterson around 2.20 pm and Dungog around 2.50 pm or they can return home on the existing later afternoon train services.

Day visitors to the Shire will be able to use the existing train service and arrive in the Shire mid-morning (for example 9.20 am for Paterson and 9.50 am for Dungog) and leave again mid-afternoon (3.55 pm for Paterson and 3.26pm from Dungog). This would give visitors (such as walking and other interest groups) more than five and a half hours in the Shire for activities and lunch, they will be able to leave the Lower Hunter at a reasonable time in the morning and still be able to make it home before dark, which is especially of concern for some visitors during winter.

For those people wanting to come to Dungog or depart town in the middle of the day, it is still possible via the XPT. An XPT arrives from Sydney around 10.45 am each day, and another Sydney bound XPT arrives from the North Coast around noon.

A number of people have been involved in assisting with achieving this outcome including Michael Johnsen MP, Member for the Upper Hunter, The Hon. Scot Macdonald, MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter, Tracy Norman, Mayor, Dungog Shire, Allen Shrimpton, Dungog Common Recreation Reserve Trust and Committee member Dungog District Chamber of Commerce, and Ivan Skaines, Council’s Economic Development, Tourism and Events Co-ordinator. As Chamber President, I have been lobbying on this issue since the train timetables were revised several years ago.

Thanks also to Steven Micevski from Dungog Station for his continued interest and involvement in this initiative but also in providing us with information about changes and variations in the train services for Dungog Shire.

As this is my final column for 2018, sincere best wishes to everyone for Christmas and the New Year from the Chamber and we look forward to and exciting and prosperous 2019.

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Lewis

President – Dungog District Chamber of Commerce

2018 DDCC Christmas Decoration Competition | October 29, 2018


Following the success of our competitions in previous years, we are proud to announce with our Sponsor, the Dungog Chronicle,

The 2018 Dungog District Christmas Business Decoration Competition.

Yes, it’s time to take up the challenge and dust off those baubles, untangle the fairy lights and decorate your business/organisation window, car, property or even your staff for your chance to win.

All businesses and organisations are invited to take up the challenge and put together their own Christmas display. The invitation goes to retail businesses and organisations, with or without a street frontage, as well as tradies, professional services, farmers, manufacturers and home-based businesses. Decorate inside or outside or even decorate the tree in front of your business with lights.

As well as promoting local businesses in the Dungog Shire to locals and visitors, there are great prizes to be won and THERE IS NO ENTRY FEE. The prizes are designed to not only offer a reward to you and your staff for getting on board but offer an incentive for customers and clients to visit, judge your efforts and in turn win a prize for voting.

Judges’ Pick: $500 Dungog Dollar voucher to be spent at any participating business or organisation

People’s Choice: $250 Dungog Dollar voucher to be spent at any participating business or organisation

Voters’ Draw: $100 Dungog Dollar voucher to be spent at any participating business or organisation

To be eligible for competition prizes you will need to register by completing the entry form and returning it by 29 November 2018.

Right click on the below image and save to download the entry form.


TERMS AND CONDITIONS 2018 Christmas Decoration Competition

All business/organisation entries must be received by 29 November 2018 to qualify for competition prizes.

External shop displays are permitted but you must notify the Dungog District Chamber of Commerce of your intention to erect an external display.

The competition is open to all businesses/organisations in the Dungog Shire, including home-based and mobile businesses/organisations, as well as farms, tradies and main street businesses/organisations.

Winner of the Judges’ Pick $500 Dungog Dollar Voucher will be determined by judges appointed by the Dungog District Chamber of Commerce who will review the decorations throughout December.

Winner of the People’s Choice $250 Dungog Dollar Voucher will be decided by the business/organisation with the most votes.

Winner of the Voters’ Draw $100 Dungog Dollar Voucher will be drawn by a representative of the Dungog District Chamber of Commerce on 20th December 2018

Voting forms should be completed and deposited at participating businesses/organisations.

Voting forms must be fully completed (including the voters signature) otherwise will be considered invalid.

Persons under 12 years old are permitted to vote but the voting form must be signed by an adult over the age of 18 years.

Voting forms cannot be completed by a second party.

Owners, employees, volunteers and members of participating business or organisation are not permitted to vote for the business/organisation which they own or are associated with however are eligible to enter a vote for another participating business/organisation

Voting will close on Monday 17th December 2018 and winners announced on 20th December 2018

President's Column | September 25, 2018


Live, Love Shop Local Dungog Shire is a promotion designed to reduce the outside spend on goods and services, and therefore retain more dollars in our local businesses. It is also designed to help raise awareness as to the importance of supporting locally owned businesses, not only during the campaign but also on an on-going basis.

When you support our local businesses you are not only supporting the local economy and the employment of local people, you are also indirectly supporting your wider local community. Local businesses sponsor and support local community groups, including sports teams, local schools and other initiatives. Most local business owners also live in the Shire and contribute to the local community through volunteering and other in-kind activities.

This year’s Live Love Shop Local Dungog Shire will run from Monday, 1 October to Monday, 29 October, with the draw occurring and winners announced on Wednesday afternoon, 31 October. By shopping in participating businesses and collecting receipts to the value of $100, you will have the opportunity to win a share of $3,000 Dungog Dollars. This money will go back into the community as it needs to be spent at participating local businesses.

This year’s Shop Local Campaign is supported by a small grant which has been given to Dungog Shire Council by the NSW Department of Industry as part of Small Business Month in October. The prize money is being supplied by participating businesses paying a fee of $100 to be involved in the campaign, and sponsorship from an additional three businesses.

Last year the Chamber and Council partnered to stage the very successful inaugural Dungog Shire Business Expo on Saturday, 4 March at the James Theatre, and this was supported by a small grant from the NSW Department of Industry to celebrate Back to Business Week. The Expo benefitted not only local businesses but also some community groups.

Some of you might remember our last very successful Shop Local Campaign, which was conducted from July to September 2013. During that campaign, we distributed approximately 20,000 envelopes and people only needed to collect receipts to the value of $50. Even so, our conservative estimate is that we collected more than $750,000 in receipts spent in local businesses during the campaign.

Ivan Skaines, Council’s Co-ordinator, Economic Development, Tourism and Events has suggested that the campaign might also entice visitors to the area to spend more money in participating businesses, and we are going to promote the campaign widely via local media, including the Dungog Chronicle and Radio Dungog, as well as the Visit Dungog Facebook page, as well as the Chamber social media sites.

For details of participating businesses and full details head to our website

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Lewis

President – Dungog District Chamber of Commerce

President's Column | September 10, 2018

I have been chatting with Ivan Skaines, Council’s Economic Development, Tourism and Events Co-ordinator, about the Dungog Shire event landscape and, as usual, September provides a smorgasbord of opportunities for both locals and visitors to the area.

– Circus Avalon will be at the Dungog Showground from this Friday, 7 September to Sunday, 9 September 2018

– The Vacy Village Country Carnival will be back again next Sunday, 9 September

– The Hunter Valley Polo Challenge will be held at Wirragulla on Saturday, 15 and Sunday, 16 September

– Pedalfest will be staged with two new events namely the Dungog Criterion around Dungog on Saturday afternoon, 22 September and the Bingleburra Sportive on Sunday morning, 23 September

– The annual Art Exhibition staged by the Dungog Arts Society will be launched on Friday, 21 September and the exhibition will run from Saturday, 22 September until Monday, 1 October

– And to finish off the month the Dungog Festival including Sculpture on the Farm at “Fosterton”, the Country Garden Ramble at Dungog and Fosterton, and Oktoberfest at Wallarobba will be held over the weekend Friday, 28 September to Monday, 1 October.

Since Dungog Shire fights above its weight in organising and staging iconic events, most of which are organised by community groups and not for profit organisations, there are a number of us keen to see the major events strategy which is currently being developed for the Hunter Region. A discussion has been undertaken to canvas views on the future of events in the region with a wide range of business, industry, sports and events sector representatives, and these are being turned into concrete ideas and options for discussion before finalising the strategy recommendations.

A final report is imminent, and we look forward to having a framework for growing events in our region, and also capitalising on large events being held nearby.

Registration for our Dungog Shire Live Love Shop Local promotion has now closed. The promotion will take place during October 2018 as part of the Department of Industry Small Business Month. With approx. 24 businesses on board there will be plenty of Dungog Dollars on offer.

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Lewis

President – Dungog District Chamber of Commerce

President's Column | September 2, 2018

Following our AGM on Thursday 23rd August 2018 I am pleased to announce our committee members for 2018/19 as follows:

Jennifer Lewis – President

Marion Stuart – Vice President

Janice Bonamy – Secretary

Haley Collis – Treasurer

Colleen Duffy

Sarah Crawford

Michael Williams

Wes Neilson

Chris Ahearn

I would like to thank the DDCC Committee and welcome our new members.

All committee members work on a voluntary basis and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their work and contribution. Without the willingness of people to volunteer, associations such as ours would not exist. Things just don’t happen on their own accord, it takes hundreds of hours from people who have their own businesses, volunteer on numerous committees and of course have their own lives. Successful initiatives and promotions take hard work. We have been very lucky with our committee to find a dedicated group many which have backed up year after year.

The Committee and I look forward to the opportunities and challenges in the coming year and we will continue to help build a strong, competitive, and prosperous business environment across Dungog Shire.

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Lewis

President – Dungog District Chamber of Commerce

President's Column | August 22, 2018



Posted at 14:05h in Chamber Chatter, Council Rates, President's Column by DDCC

As part of the NSW Department of Industry Back to Business Month 1-31st October, 2018, Dungog District Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with Dungog Shire Council will run a Shop & Win Campaign.

Based on our very successful buy local promotion in 2013, the campaign, whilst offering a reward to consumers for spending their dollars locally, is designed to raise awareness of the importance of supporting our local economy and showcase our available wide range of businesses and services. All businesses in the Dungog Shire are welcome to take part in the promotion. This is not just for retail businesses and is open to everyone including services providers, trades people etc etc.

To participate in the promotion businesses will be asked to contribute a $100 entry fee. The more businesses who participate the more prize money will be offer by way of Dungog Dollars. Entries close on 31st August, 2018. To find our more go to contact me on 0432 128 143 or email

Shopping local helps to build a strong and prosperous community for all.

Ivan Skaines, Dungog Shire Council’s Economic Development and Tourism Co-ordinator said that the Buy Local Campaign sits squarely with the recently amended Dungog Shire Community Strategic Plan 2030 as one of the challenges outlined in the plan is about stemming economic leakage from Dungog Shire to other regional centres.

The purpose of the Plan is to identify the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future, and plan strategies to achieve them. Statistics show that 3,585 people are in the workforce in Dungog Shire but only 1,542 live in the Shire and work locally. The balance of 2,043 people, live in Dungog Shire but travel outside of the area to work with the major destinations being Maitland (730 people) and Newcastle (462 people). Dungog Shire is a net exporter of labour. The Buy Local Campaign aims to keep as much expenditure as possible in the Dungog Shire economy, therefore maintaining and even increasing local jobs.

While Dungog Shire Council has a custodial role in initiating, preparing and maintaining the Community Strategic Plan on behalf of the local government area, it works with other partners such as State agencies and community groups such as the Dungog District Chamber of Commerce in delivering long term objectives of the Plan.

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Lewis

President – Dungog District Chamber of Commerce

President's Column | July 25, 2018

With pleasant weather conditions over the school holiday period, campers and recreational vehicles were certainly out and about together with a consistent stream of day visitors to the Shire. Dungog Shire Visitor’s Information Centre reported a large number of enquiries with visitors from both interstate and overseas. Business has also reported a good trading over the holiday period with some choosing to trade extended hours.

The Chamber of Commerce works very closely with Ivan Skaines, Council’s Economic Development, Tourism and Events Co-ordinator and Wendy Farrow, Tourism Officer in looking at ways to improve the service of the Dungog Shire Visitor Information Centre. For example, the VIC main website, which lists accommodation options, information about events and things to see and do is currently being upgraded with the support of Dungog Shire Events to make it more interactive. Members of Dungog Regional Tourism and the Dungog Chamber of Commerce are given priority listing on the website.

Many thanks to Shaw’s Bakery from Clarence Town, Clarence Town School of Arts and everyone else involved in bringing together the fabulous “Pies in July” dinner network meeting at the Clarence Town School of Arts Hall recently. Over 30 members and friends enjoyed a wonderful selection of the not so humble pie and a variety of delicious desserts all made by Shaw’s Bakery. Our monthly networking evenings and social events offer an ideal platform for meeting, discussing and promoting business services and products.

Our next meeting will be a combined 2018 Annual General Meeting and dinner meeting to be held at Settlers Arms Hotel on Thursday 23rd August at 6.30pm. In accordance with the Constitution of the Dungog District Chamber of Commerce, to be eligible for nomination to office or to vote in the election process, you must be a current member of the Dungog District Chamber of Commerce. Subscription renewals were recently issued and we request that you attend to payment of your membership subscription at your earliest convenience, if you haven’t already done so.

With the Dungog Festival coming up on 28 Sept – 1st Oct, sponsorship opportunities will close on Friday 27th July 2018. If you would like the opportunity to showcase your business, sponsorship packages with special rates for those within the Shire are available.T here are 5 local sponsorship packages on offer which you can choose from. To find out more about sponsorship or other ways you can become involved with festival head to or contact Sarah Crawford on 0410332236

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Lewis

President – Dungog District Chamber of Commerce

President's Column | July 13, 2018

For those wishing to find out factual information regarding Dungog Shire’s proposed Special Rate Variation (SRV), I recommend you attend one of the remaining community consultations taking place around the Dungog Shire.

I recently attended the community meeting at the Doug Walters Pavilion and would like to congratulate the Dungog Shire Council (DSC) staff and Councillors on a professionally run and informative meeting. In particular, the new GM of DSC demonstrated strong community engagement and could not have been clearer about her commitment and enthusiasm to see Dungog Shire go forward

Despite what many may believe, the proposed rate increases must be approved by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). The approval process is rigorous, with clear guidelines that Council must show that they have actively engaged the community and the community is aware of their plans. Our Council cannot make the decision alone and must produce evidence that they have followed the guidelines.

For more information regarding IPART guidelines on SRV, you can go to their website

A very informative and clear guide produced by DSC was also available at the meeting and these packs are still available from DSC. The DSC website also provides up-to-date information regarding the SRV and is at

Ivan Skaines, Dungog Shire Council’s Economic Development Tourism and Events Co-ordinator, has reported that the workshop conducted by State Mutual on insurance and managing risk which was held last Wednesday evening was a great success. There was a very good attendance at the event by Council 355 Committees, members of Dungog Shire Events Inc., local not for profits, community organisations, and sporting groups running events in the Dungog Shire.

Following our DDCC Local Business Awards, Boomerang Bags, Dungog have been announced as a finalist in the Excellence in Sustainability category at the Hunter Business Awards.

Dungog District Chamber of Commerce has also been announced as a finalist in the Local Chamber category.

The recipients of the Hunter Business Awards for 2018 will be presented at a gala function at NEX (Wests City), Newcastle West on Friday, August 10.

Our next dinner meeting, “Pies in July” will be held at Clarence Town School of Arts Hall on Thursday 19 July 2018. Members and guests are welcome. Cost is $25.00 with drinks available to purchase on the night. To RSVP contact Colleen Duffy on or telephone 0400 603403.

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Lewis

President – Dungog District Chamber of Commerce

President's Column | June 28, 2018


Posted at 10:58h in President's Column, Uncategorized by DDCC

Following consultation with the Community Reference Panel regarding the Special Rates Variation (SRV) Dungog Shire Council has now announced a proposed scenario which adopts a tapered approach as follows:

Year 1 & 2 = 15% (2.5% rate cap plus 12.5% SRV)

Years 3, 4 & 5 = 10% (2.5% rate cap plus 7.5% SRV)

Years 6 & 7 =6% (2.5% rate cap plus 3.5% SRV)

Council will now hold community consultation sessions throughout the Shire commencing on 3rd July 2018. Community members are encouraged and welcome to attend any of the sessions details of which are available on the council website

The Chamber recently met at Norris It for our monthly networking meeting. A great turn up this month from business owners, operators and community representatives who had the opportunity to hear about rebranding for Norris It which will now be known as Restart IT, offering Repairs, sales, maintenance and education. We also had the opportunity to try the V8 Simulator which was set up for the night. I was inspiring to hear how this business has developed since its inception in 2013 and future plans.

Our next dinner meeting with the “Pies in July” to be held at Clarence Towns School of Arts Hall on Thursday 19th July 2018.

For those involved in running events, Dungog Shire Council would like to invite you to a free workshop that will assist you in better understanding public liability insurance and managing risk at your events. This workshop is a must for anyone running an event, large or small, including Council 355 Committees, members of Dungog Shire Events Inc., local not for profits, community organisations, and sporting groups running events in the Dungog Shire.

The workshop will be presented by Council’s insurers Statewide Mutual on 4th July 2018 at the James Theatre for more info and to RSVP please contact Ivan Skaines, Council’s Co-ordinator, Economic Development, Tourism & Events on 4995 7777 or

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Lewis

President – Dungog District Chamber of Commerce

President's Column | June 21, 2018

ungog Shire Council has recently signed up to the Easy to do Business Program, a joint initiative of Service NSW and the Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner to streamline access to government licencing and approvals, making it faster and easier.

Easy to do Business provides the support of a dedicated personal Business Concierge to help guide customers through the process, answer their questions, liaise with agencies, and review their applications. This means customers will spend less time navigating the process and completing paperwork, and more time on their business. The pilot program involves opening up cafes and small bars, however other sectors such as the construction industry will follow. I believe the service will be available until the end of the month.

Dungog District Chamber of Commerce has long argued for reform in local government to better serve the needs of the business community, and the forthcoming Easy to do Business Program is a welcome step in that direction. The program is an exciting initiative which will support and encourage those looking to open or grow their business in regional areas such as ours.

If you missed the grant workshop on Tuesday evening you can still chat with Tracey Lowrey, Council’s Community Projects Officer, about grants and she is very happy to email handouts distributed at the workshop. If businesses would like to chat about possible grants I encourage you to contact Ivan Skaines, Council’s Co-ordinator Economic Development, Tourism and Events. Both can be reached on 4995 7777. It is crucial that community groups and businesses let Council know what they are planning so we have a whole of Shire approach to grant and other funding and therefore maximise our chances of success.

However, since grants and other government funding for individual businesses is sometimes quite limited, if you have an idea for a grant that might benefit part or all of the wider local business community, please do not hesitate to contact me. As an incorporated association the Chamber sometimes has greater or different access to grants than individual businesses. Again, we will make sure the Council is kept informed about any grant application.

We are pleased to announce that our next dinner networking meeting will take place on Thursday 21st June 2018 at Norris IT. The cost is $25 per head which includes cocktail food. Members and guests are welcome. To book contact Colleen Duffy at or telephone 0400 603403

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Lewis

President – Dungog District Chamber of Commerce